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 Story Of Tea - The Starting Point Of Tea 


In this article, I will share the information about the tea story of tea and the starting point of tea and where tea first originated. in which country tea first found.

Tea has been a staple of Chinese tea for hundreds of years, but some cultures are rich in the history of this popular beverage. Two of those countries, Russia and England have developed different cultures over the years.

Tea is said to have originated in China when more than 5,000 years ago, the leaves of the plant were dropped into boiling water for drinking. Needless to say, it was refreshing and its use was widespread. Tea was introduced to Europe by the Portuguese in the early 1500s and it did not take long for the beverage to be popular in many countries and the cultures of English tea parties and Russian tea were made.

The beverage was very popular in both countries where they performed certain rituals as well as pots, bowls and drinking cups in it. Although the introduction of tea has been around for centuries, its popularity and associated customs remain to this day.

In the early 1600s, tea made its way to Russia. After all, only the wealthy could afford to buy tea in the first place, but only in the 1700s did the price drop and its popularity spread across the country.

In Russia, tea has never been taken with food. it is taken after dinner or as lunch. For centuries Russians have used a substance called Samovar to make tea. The samovar is usually placed in the middle of the table after dinner and everyone gathers around to pick up tea that they can dilute or brew as they please. Russians drink tea in glasses placed on silver holders and prefer their tea to be firm and very sweet - some recipes even call for a tang of lemon made into tea!

Tea was introduced to England in the mid-1600s, and its popularity spread so that it soon became a popular drink like an ale! In the late 1700s, a well-known afternoon tea tradition was introduced by the Duchess of Bedford.

Before that, the English ate only 2 meals - breakfast and dinner. Dinner was served at the end of the day and in the afternoon you can imagine how hungry and exhausted many were. Thus, the afternoon tea ceremony was started where tea and small cakes and sandwiches would be served. Of course, this is very proven and still is today!

One of the great benefits of this afternoon's tea is that it required luxurious slices to be made for drinking and drinking. A large pot that heated water was usually made of silver (still a popular item today) and this was kept on the flame to keep it warm at all times. too, small clay tea jars were used for pouring on the table and were heated with hot water from a silver pot when needed. Of course, the custom also includes cups of luxury tea to drink with. These pieces are still made and used today, and artifacts are in great demand.


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